How To Remove Website Field From Comment Form In WordPress

How To Remove Website Field From Comment Form In WordPress

I always remove the website field from my comment forms on my WordPress websites, it’s simply not relevant for people commenting, and the more they have to fill out while writing a comment, the lower the chance of them actually commenting.

To remove the website field from your comment form, go to your WordPress admin area, click on Plugins -> Add New Plugin, search for “comment link remove”, and install and activate the first plugin. Go to QC CLR Settings -> QC CLR Settings, and check the “Remove Website field from Comment Form” option.

This is the plugin way of doing it, and I’ll elaborate on it further down the article. There is also another way, a more minimalistic way, where you don’t have to install a plugin but simply insert a line of code, and don’t worry; it’s not that difficult. I’ll show you how to do it with a video walkthrough.

Remove Website Field From Comment Form In WordPress Using Plugin

This is the simplest and most secure way to remove the comment field from your comment form in WordPress. That said, remember every time you add a plugin to your WordPress website, you do, in theory, slow down your website.

Removing the website field can be done quickly if you go to your WordPress admin area, click on Plugins -> Add new, and search for: comment link remove. Install and activate the first plugin you see. Then go to QC CLR Settings -> QC CLR Settings and checkmark “Remove website field from Comment Form”.

If you’re in doubt about how you search for WordPress plugins, then you can read my guide about it here.

With this plugin, you can do more to ensure your comment shows as little spam as possible. For instance, if you want to remove all links from comments, you can checkmark the “Remove hyperlink from comment AUTHOR”.

You can also disable comments globally on all your posts and hide already written comments as well. I recommend you consider these options as they can remove a lot of spam from your website.

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Remove Website Field From Comment Form In WordPress Without Plugin

Now, if you’re like me and want to keep your installed plugins to a minimum, then you can disable the website field from the comment form by adding a few lines of code to your functions.php.

In your WordPress admin area, click on Appearance -> Theme File Editor. Click on functions.php on the right side. Scroll down to the bottom of the file and insert the following code snippet:

add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'remove_website_field_from_comment_form');
function remove_website_field_from_comment_form($fields) {
	return $fields;

This will ensure that the website field is no longer shown on your comment forms on any post where you have comments enabled.

By doing it using this method, you’re ensuring you don’t install a plugin that loads unnecessary lines of code to slow down your WordPress website. However, you should only go with this solution if you feel safe doing it.

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